Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Traditional Service

We have two different services here at Brushy Creek. I lead the music at the Traditional one and our Associate Pastor David Kay leads the Contemporary one. We have a great relationship and help each other out when needed. I realized this past week, while I was helping out, why I am only doing the Traditional Service. They have the lights turned down so low in the Contemporary Service I can't read anything!

It made me start thinking about who would fit better in the Traditional service than the Contemporary one. I composed Ten 'suggestions' of who might be suited for the Traditional Service. I am sure there are more and would love to hear your thoughts .

Top Ten Reasons You Might Be Suited for the Traditional Worship Service

10. Your registration for ‘My Space’ and ‘Facebook’ is rejected.
9. You think a Blog is something you get in your kitchen sink.
8. You need more light to read your bulletin.
7. The cymbals on the drums affect your hearing aids.
6. Your Bible is the large print edition.
5. You wake up early.
4. You understand 'Southern Gospel' and enjoy it.
3. Choirs inspire you.
2. You love hymns, not because they are old, but because they are good.
1. You know God loves all styles of worship and that is not a problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha- nice list. By the way, as someone who's grown up with various styles of music, and has been to both the Traditional and Contemporary worship serivces, I just got two words- hymns rock! :-)
And you do a great job leading them every Sunday morning. In fact, one of my favorite songs in the Contemporary service is "One Day", which is #193 in the hymnal! I grew up singing the hymns and there's lots of powerful and convicting lyrics in there (especially ones by John and Charles Wesley- "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" (my all time favorite Christmas carol), "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing", "And Can It Be?" (LOVE IT), Martin Luther- "A Mighty Fortress is our God" ('nuff said), John Newton- "Amazing Grace" (classic- 4th. verse RULES!), Isaac Watts-"Joy to the World", "O God, Our Help In Ages Past", "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (oh yeah- love this one), "At the Cross" (possibly my favorite of all-this one helped bring me to salvation in Christ!) , Phillip P. Bliss- "Hallelujah! What a Savior", Horatio Spatford- "It is Well With My Soul"- wow!)
And of course, I like a lot of the modern worship songs too (and Christian rock in general- Relient K, Switchfoot, Sanctus Real, Petra, Stryper, ApologetiX, Keith Green, Rich Mullins, Larry Norman- to name a few), like Chris Tomlin ("Indescribable"), Hillsong ("Shout to The Lord"), Charlie Hall ("Marvelous Light") Matt Redman ("The Heart of Worship", "You Never Let Go"), etc.
Anyway, I've grown up singing hymns (albeit mostly much faster than they were written) and with some Southern Gospel (gotta be honest- I kinda despise country music- just not my cup of tea- but I'm totally cool with it when it's praising Jesus)
Ultimately, I'm thankful that God doesn't care a bit about what kind of style music you use or even how good you sound. I think He's much more concerned with the state of your heart than anything- and when that's truly in tune with Him, it doesn't really matter what tune you're singing. :-)