Monday, August 18, 2008

Robots in Church

Believe it or not I have a friend that reads my blog! Randy, you may not get our newsletter so I am publishing an article I wrote in this month's edition that you may enjoy.

Bill gates wrote an article in the Scientific American magazine about the next wave of technology that is happening right now, the development of robots. He pointed out that we already have robots making our cars, helping diffuse roadside bombs, and vacuuming our floors, but these machines can’t sense their environments or see for themselves (like C-3PO) yet. But that is coming.

Where will the church fit into that developing technology? Maybe they will clean our restrooms, cut our grass, change our babies’ diapers, or run our sound for the worship services.

They may even lead in our worship services. Robots could produce the sound of a thousand people or play all the orchestra instruments at one time! (We already have keyboards that produce instrumental and vocal sounds now.)

But until we get those robots, why don’t you get involved in what may soon be the ‘last generation’ of live people leading the music in our worship services? Come join the choir and orchestra and let’s not give in to these illegals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"or run our sound for the worship services."

you wish but I doubt it.