Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Team

Well, my softball team lost their second game Monday night. It is hard for them to believe that they could lose. That might not be a such a bad feeling. It is good to know who you are and what your strengths are. Not to live up to those should upset you.

I got a kick out of two of my players, Hunter and Aaron, describing the 'Rednecks' they saw at the race in Darlington this past weekend. They said that they had never seen so many 'Rednecks'. I asked them, "have you looked in a mirror lately? Who do you think you are?" They had 'Hunt Club' on the back of their softball jerseys last year. The wear hats with fish hooks on them. They all drive BIG trucks with hunting and fishing decals and NASCAR numbers on them. I could say more but I won't. Our whole team is made up of 'Rednecks'.

Why is it so much fun to be with them? Along with being the fastest team in the league, they are who they are, no facade, they work hard and play hard. A good group of young men, who respect their elders (which is hard to find these days) and with hearts of gold. It must be working for them because they all have jobs , dates and BIG trucks!

Now, if I can get them to pay their registration fee I will be a happier coach!

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