Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The spell has been broken!

Over my lifetime I have been blessed to have had a lot of friends. I was even voted 'Friendliest' in High School. I can hardly go anywhere that I don't meet someone who knows me. My sisters get a little perturbed when they meet people that say, "Oh, you must be Robbie's sister". My children often say "Do you know everybody?" My oldest son , Brian, went to Sunday School at another church while he was away at school and his teacher asked "are you Robbie Sox's son? I dated him in high school."
My wife asks, when I go out of town or to a meeting, "Who did you see that you know?" On our honeymoon in Gatlinburg I ran into someone on the street that I knew.

Our Youth went to Wyoming a few years back and someone there asked Karen Haun if she knew me. One friend says "hanging out with Robbie in the Lowcountry is like hanging out with Elvis!" My mother's minister of music told her the other day "I saw Robbie last weekend at a music retreat and he must have been the most popular person at the retreat. Everyone there seemed to be a friend of his!"

I say all this to share with you that I think the spell has been broken! I took the sound and media crew out to dinner last week for a much deserved 'THANK YOU' for all the time and work they put into making our services run smoothly. Our waitress for the night walked up to Roger Cole and said that she recognized him from church. I've been working at Brushy Creek for 15 years! My name is in the bulletin! Did she say anything to me? NO! She didn't even know who I was, and I paid the bill!

My wife's sympathetic response.... "How the mighty have fallen!"

My sister's are going to love this BLOG!


Anonymous said...

This has been my most favorite blog yet - right up there with the blog about Angela!!

Anonymous said...

oh yes and what a pleasure it is to live long enough to see it happening....